Create a Data Extraction Software powered by AI

Harness artificial intelligence for efficient data retrieval and optimize workflows. Explore transformative AI-powered solutions.

What is AI Data Extraction?

AI data extraction involves automatically retrieving important data from various sources using artificial intelligence and machine learning. This process enables the extraction of data from printed documents, scanned images, and electronic files across different formats. After the data is obtained, it undergoes verification and is directed to the relevant channels for distribution to the appropriate users or workflows.

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What are the benefits of using AI Machine Translation?

Here are several ways in which you can benefit from AI Data Extraction:

Streamlines labor-intensive tasks

AI Data Extraction streamlines manual processes that consume time and offer little value to overall operations. By automating these tasks, employees can allocate their time to more critical and high-value activities.

Decreases operational costs

Manual data input and processing can escalate operational costs, particularly with increasing data volumes. Printing and storing data physically can also incur overhead expenses. Digitizing incoming information, whether from emails, physical documents, or mobile devices, helps mitigate these costs. By automating data input and validation, fewer human resources are required, allowing resources to be redirected to other essential tasks, thereby fostering organizational growth without additional expenditure.

Facilitates Decision-Making

Data extraction furnishes essential insights to businesses, aiding in their decision-making processes regarding investments, operations, and the products and services they offer. It empowers companies to make strategic choices concerning marketing campaigns, the development of new products, and more.

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What are some use cases of AI Machine Translation across industries?

Here are four applications that demonstrate the use cases of AI-powered real-time image analysis across industries:


By harnessing the accuracy and efficiency of AI data extraction software, businesses can effortlessly extract information from diverse documents, including receipts, credit memos, deposit slips, and more. This technological advancement revolutionizes accounting operations, enhancing precision and expediting processes.

PR Monitoring

Efficient online reputation monitoring is achieved through data extraction. By pulling data from review websites, news articles, and social media, businesses can analyze customer feedback, identify reputation risks, and take preemptive steps to protect their brand. For example, a hotel chain can extract data from review sites to track guest satisfaction and promptly address any negative feedback.

Content Aggregation

Data extraction helps content from diverse sources and presenting it seamlessly. This allows businesses to quickly create comprehensive reports on market trends or consumer preferences. For example, an analytics team could use web scraping to extract relevant articles from various news sites, aggregating them into a single report for better decision-making insights

Sales Lead Generation

Data extraction is useful in gathering contact details for lead generation. Companies use this data to engage potential customers and nurture relationships with existing ones. For example, marketing team may apply data extraction from online directories, social media, or industry-specific websites to identify potential leads and their contact information. This data can then be used for targeted marketing, lead nurturing, and sales.

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Build smart & modern AI Data Extraction software

Explore how your app can go from good to great with AI functionalities that create better user experiences


Why choose Xamun?

Build customer- or external-facing Web, iOS, and/or Android apps the way you want it built - fast, at fixed price, and you get to keep the source code!

Fully-Custom Software BUT Built Incredibly Fast

With the speed at which your competition (including startups) are innovating, you need to get software built at lightning speeds. Xamun got you covere by letting you build from prototype to working software in as fast as A FEW HOURS!

Fast like No-Code BUT You Keep the Source Code

With Xamun, you own the resulting source code. What does this mean? Your team has the freedom to update your custom software whichever way you want. Also, owning the source code lets you retain your competitive advantage because the IP is all yours.

Tailored to Your Needs BUT Pay Fixed Price

Outsourcing custom software development is oftentimes limited to time-and-material contracts which may not work well with your existing budget management processes. With Xamun, we accommodate a fixed price project engagement for every version of your custom software.

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Frequently Asked Questions

1. Why build custom AI Data Extraction software?

Building custom AI data extraction software is beneficial to tailor the solution to specific business needs and enhance efficiency in processing data.

2. What exactly does AI Data Extraction do?

AI data extraction automates the process of retrieving essential information from various sources, including printed documents, scanned images, and electronic files, using artificial intelligence and machine learning.

3. What solutions can be built with AI Data Extraction features?

AI solutions with data extraction features can include lead generation tools, reputation monitoring systems, accounting software, and content aggregation platforms, among others.

4. Is building custom software with AI Data Extraction capability worth it?

Building an AI data extraction software can be worth it as it provides tailored solutions that streamline processes, improve accuracy, and potentially reduce operational costs, depending on the specific needs and scale of the business.

5. How much will it cost to build a software with AI Data Extraction features?

It depends on what exactly it i what your want to build. Xamun has a cost estimator and other internal tools that will give you a much more accurate idea of how much it will cost you to build your custom insurance software.

6. How long will it take to build a AI Data Extraction software?

If you have an existing Figma prototoype, building and deploying a bespoke solution with AI machine translation services with Xamun can take as fast as a few hours. If you’re coming in with a fresh idea, it can take only 4-6 weeks!

7. Do I need technical know-how to get a custom AI Data Extraction software built with Xamun?

Not at all! As a service will take care of all the technical stuff, and you just need to make sure all your business processes are covered in what we will build for you. At some point, we will release a DIY platform and in that case, your own tech team can directly build your bespoke solution on their own.

8. Are there hidden fees?

Absolutely not! We will be very upfront on the total cost of build as soon as you sign off the Figma design for your custom insurance software which will also include a detailed scope of how the app would work. Unless you have additional features to build, that’s the final cost.

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  • Ultra-fast time-to-market
  • Minimized scope creep
  • Code ownership
  • Better documentation
  • Unbeatable agility
  • Fixed & predictable costs
About Xamun
Xamun.AI brings together the latest AI technologies, partners, and best practices all in a single platform that ensures visibility, quality, and speed.

Our purpose is to remove barriers to digital business enablement for all, through our AI-augmented software development platform that makes it easy for anyone to design complex business solutions and collaborate with experienced developers to build and launch working mobile and/or web software at a fraction of the time.